Society of the Sacred Heart, for the Laity
Visit the Society’s main web page here: Society of the Sacred Heart
The Society of the Sacred Heart is a lay association within the spiritual family of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Through membership in the Society of the Sacred Heart, lay faithful can participate in the spirituality of the Institute directed to expand the kingship of Our Blessed Lord in all realms of the Church and society under the patronage of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.

The spirituality of the Institute of Christ the King stems from the writings and example of St. Benedict, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis de Sales. With these patron Saints, the members of the Society of the Sacred Heart strive to live a Catholic life in an ever-growing harmony between nature, grace, faith, and culture, totally faithful to the teachings of Holy Mother Church and to the See of Peter, with an emphasis on charity toward God and our neighbor.
In this holy endeavor, the members of the Society place themselves under the spiritual direction of the priests of the Institute of Christ the King and are supported by the prayers of the priests, oblates, and seminarians of the Institute, and the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus.
Members of the society work to sustain the apostolic work of the Institute of Christ the King. They also live the spirituality of the Institute and can participate in spiritual retreats and gatherings of the Institute’s family organized locally or nationally by the chaplains of the Society of the Sacred Heart. Youth events and retreats in the spirit of the Institute are offered to the families engaged in the Society of the Sacred Heart. Friends and guests are welcome at the retreats of the Society.

Interested lay faithful can become members of the Society of the Sacred Heart by contacting the Institute’s apostolate nearest to them. It is possible for those who do not live near the current apostolates of the Institute to become members of the Society of the Sacred Heart. They would need, however, to attend the yearly retreat offered to all the members. More information concerning this will soon be available. In the meantime, we invite you to read the works of one of the patron saints of the Institute, Saint Francis de Sales (especially Introduction to the Devout Life), who as the Doctor of divine Charity, had a special devotion to the Heart of Jesus. Through his writings and saintly example, the infinite treasures of wisdom and grace contained in the most Sacred Heart of our Divine Savior are make readily available to us in our everyday lives in a truly extraordinary way.
You may read extracts from the Society of the society-constitution-extracts.